Wednesday, August 4, 2010

William 10

Hi Everyone,
Here is my introduction of what is a rain forest.
What is a rainforest? A rainforest is a forest that receives very heavy annual rainfall. The average amount of rainfall is between 68 to 78 inches. In a rainforest there are 5 layers called the forest floor, shrub layer, under story, canopy and the emergent layer. On the forest floor it is dark. Most plants on the forest floor cannot get enough light to perform photosynthesis, which is how plants make food out of water, carbon dioxide and sunlight. The understory is between ten to fifteen meters high. Many birds and snakes lives in the understory. Flowers in the understory are brightly colored to attract animals through the darkness. The next layer is the canopy. The canopy is about 20 to 30 meters off the ground. The canopy has the most abundant life of any of the layers. Animals like amphibians, birds, bats and insects live in the canopy, many of those animals have never seen the forest floor. Finally the tallest layer is called the emergent trees. These tress are between 35 and 70 meters off the ground. These are the trees you would see if you were in a plane. The emergent layer is also a home to some of the birds found in the canopy.
From William

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