Monday, August 9, 2010

Tania 15

Hi Everyone,
Here is my letter to the editor.

Mt Skinner Station
P O Box 8548

5th August 2010

The Editor
Centralian Advocate
P O Box 2254

Dear Editor,
Ten percent of the world’s reefs have been completely destroyed and it is time that we did something about it before we lose anymore.

Firstly, global warming has increased the greenhouse effects causing higher temperatures in the ocean so the coral are becoming sick and dying as it is too hot for it to survive. The ocean water only needs to rise 1 degree to hurt the coral.

Secondly, fishermen blow up a coral reef with explosives and then catch all the stunned fish swimming around. This completely destroys the reefs, killing the coral that make it as well as many of the plants and animals that call it home. And the creatures that do survive are left homeless.
Another way that divers catch coral reef fish is with poison called cyanide. The divers pour this poison on the reef, which stuns the fish and kills the coral. Then they rip open the reef with crowbars and catch the fish while they are too sick from the poison to swim away. This poison kills 90% of the fish that live in the reef and the reef is completely destroyed both by the poison and then by being ripped apart.
Lastly, the oil, gas and pesticide contamination in the rivers then go into the oceans causing the algae to spread and cover the coral and blocking it from the sun, so then it dies.
Therefore, I believe reefs should be saved so that the coral, marine animals and plants don’t become extinct. If something isn’t done now there will be more than ten percent of the reefs destroyed. Leave the fish where they are as this is their home and have fish farms instead. We can also look after the environment by going green and not using things that make carbon dioxide. Use solar energy instead where possible.
Yours faithfully
Tania Barber

Cheers Tania

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