Friday, August 6, 2010

Tania 11

Hello Everyone,
How are you all??
Algae are Marine plants that are simple in structure that lack root, stems and leaves.
Algae can range from single celled plankton algae to large seaweeds that can reach length of several metres.
Algae is a very important part of the marine ecosystem. They are the primary producers that form the basis of most marine food chains. On coral reefs calcareous algae have a significant role in cementing the reef together. Large algae may also provide homes for a wide variety of small organisms.
The most common Red Algae in coral reefs is coralline algae. The algae forms hard crusts on the coral forming the frame work. It grows in shaded areas or the underside of coral rubble. Other red algae are sometimes very attractive leafy or bush seaweeds found in deeper waters.
Brown Algae contains an extra pigment. They are abundant in cooler climates, such as kelp beds. There are a few species that grow in the tropics in summer on inshore reefs.
Green Algae occur in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Sea lettuce, sea grapes and turtle grass are some of the most abundant type of green algae on coral reefs.
Golden algae has recently been found on the Great Barrier Reef. It is a bloom-forming alga, a species that has not been recorded in the Great Barrier Reef region. No-one knows where the alga originated.
Cheers Tania

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