Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Erin 13

Here is my Description on the Blue Tang Fish

The Blue Tang fish

The Blue Tang fish live in the eastern and western Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, New York, Brazil and Great Barrier Reef. The common Blue Tang fish is blue with a yellow tail and a black dorsal fin.
The blue tang fish eats algae and zooplankton. The Blue Tang mostly eats algae. By eating the algae they reduce the algae from getting out of control on the reefs. The Blue Tangs predators are Tuna, Bar jack, tiger groper and other large carnivorous fish.
The Blue Tang has small scales, a soft pointed nose and eyes that are high upon the head. Its dorsal fin is continuous along the spine. The fish has 9 dorsal spines and 26-28 dorsal soft rays. The Blue Tang fish has up to 24-26 anal soft ray and 3 anal spines. The Blue Tang fish can reach up to 12inches (31cms).
Some types of Blue Tang are the Powder Blue Tang is light blue with a black head, a yellow dorsal fin and yellow tail. The juvenile Blue Tang is mostly yellow with specks of blue but as they get older they lose most of the yellow and become blue and black in adult hood.
Did you know??? That the blue Tang as a venomous spine called the (caudal spine) which is use to defend its self from predators.

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