Wednesday, August 25, 2010

William 17

Hi Mr Dredge and Mrs Winzar,
Thank you for taking us to Cairns.
we had lots of fun and I really enjoyed the trip.
From William


Hi Everyone
here is my letter to the editor.
Ammaroo Station
Via Alice Springs
NT 0872

To the Editor
Centralian Advocate
PO Box 2254

To the Editor,

I am writing to you to tell you about the destruction of rainforests in Australia and around the world.
We need to stop cutting down the rainforests because they are important to us.
Rainforests produce lots of air and once the rainforests are gone lots of very unique and interesting animals will be left homeless and have nowhere else to survive.
One way that we can stop the rainforest being cut down is by not buying any wood products that are sourced from rainforests.
If we stop buying rainforest products, they will have to stop cutting the forests down because they won’t be making any money.
Another way that we should really help the rainforest is by recycling paper, because some paper is made from rainforest wood.
If we use scrap paper more often we will not have to cut down as many trees.
Another way that the rainforests are being harmed is by people littering in them, the animals sometimes think the litter is food and may get poisoned by it.
Another way to help the rainforests is when you visit them you make sure that you stay on the path and always follow your guide and make sure that you don’t harm any of the plants or animals or touch anything that you are not told to.
The rainforests are very important to Australia and the world and we need to do all we can to look after them. Australia is leading the way in looking after the rainforests but we still need to keep trying harder to preserve them so they last many years to come.

Yours sincerely
William Weir

Friday, August 13, 2010

Tania 23

Hi Everyone,
Here is another Painting I did.
Cheers Tania

Tania 22

Hi Everyone,
Here is my art.
Cheers Tania

Lori 6

Hi Everyone
did you know that in the animal kingdom the male always is brighter than the female (but it does not occur in human species!!!)this is because in bird species the female needs to blend in with the background to stay safe from predators.


Lori 5

Hi Everyone
here is some information on the Eclectus parrot
the male an female eclectus parrots colour is completely different.
the male is and lovely colour green while the female is a scarlet red with a blue breast.

Erin 26

Here are the photos of my artwork.

Cheers Erin

Thursday, August 12, 2010

William 15

Hi Everyone,
Here is my narrative I wrote.
Adventure in the Amazon
One day Mr Beer and Mr Wine the school teachers, took the year 4s on a trip to the Amazon rainforest. They flew to the Amazon in a big Qantas jet that Mr Wine flew for them. After a long boring flight Mr Wine was looking for somewhere to land. But before they found somewhere the plane ran out of fuel and crash landed deep in the Amazon rainforest.
As the plane had crashed everyone aboard had to find a way to get out. The kids thought that it was great fun smashing the windows with their backpacks to get out. Once they had all got out safely Mr Wine and Mr Beer had a good long look at the map to try and figure out where they were. After a lot of confusion they decided to walk around and explore because they had no idea where they were.
Mr Beer knew in the Amazon that nightfall came really quickly so they decided to set up camp for the night. They needed a roof to keep dry from the rain and luckily they had their swags with them to sleep in. One of the kids suggested that they get a fire going. Mr Beer and Mr Wine both agreed that they should get the kids to start collecting wood. After Mr Wine persevered a lot of times they had a roaring fire. After they had built their shelter the kids were whining because they were hungry. While Mr Beer and Mr Wine were deciding what to eat one of the kids decided it would be a good idea to start eating the note pads in the back packs, luckily Mr Beer and Mr Wine saw them and made them stop.
Mr Wine said that we have a very yucky dinner for you tonight, it will be roast spiders with beetle gravy! All the kids yelled together “YUCK”!! Nah we are just joking assured Mr Beer. We are going to go and have a quick fish and see what we can catch. After quickly making some rods out of strong sticks and jungle vines, they were ready to fish after they caught some bugs to use as bait. After 10 minutes one of the kids jumped up excitedly, “I think I have a bite, I think I have a bite”. Mr Beer told Josh who had got the bite to hold on and not let go. After Mr Beer quickly got his line out of the water, he helped Josh reel in a huge piranha. Mr Beer said stay away from his mouth as he may bite you.
After Mr Beer was sure that the piranha was dead completely, he put it over the fire to cook it. After a dinner of yummy piranha they decided to go to bed. They all climbed into their warm comfy swags. The next morning they decided to go on a nature walk.
After a good sleep and a yummy breakfast of left over piranha they decided to go on their nature walk. After a bit of arguing they finally decided to set off east. Mr Beer told all the kids to stick together so no one got lost.
After some really fun exploring and bird spying they discovered a waterfall. Everyone was amazed at the find. When all the kids were seeing if they could see any fish Mr Wine called” Who wants to go for a swim?” Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! , yelled all the Kids at once. After everyone hurried into their bathers, they jumped in to the cool relaxing water. Mr Beer said he would stay out of the water to make something. After a nice long swim everyone wanted to get out. Mr Beer announced that he had just made a spear so that they could try and hunt some fish. Mr Beer asked everyone to collect some wood for a fire once they were dry. In the mean time Mr Beer went for a swim with the spear he made. When he dived deep down into the pool he sometimes managed to catch fish. After Mr Beer had caught 14 fish with the spear he got out and gave the fish to Mr Wine to cook on the fire. After a big yummy lunch of fish they decided to do some more exploring.
When the rest of the Kids were walking along one kid named Cody stopped to have a look at a spider. After he had a good look at the spider he was going to join the rest of his friends but he could not see them anymore!!!!!! He tried to call to his friends but he got no reply. He was lost in the big dark scary Amazon rainforest.
Meanwhile back at the group Mr Beer had just spotted a Toucan, and he told all the Kids to be quite so they don’t scare him. “Cody,” Called Mr Beer, “come and take a photo of the Toucan” No one answered. Finally Larry said “I can’t see Cody.” Mr Beer had a look around “that is strange” Kate said “I think I saw him looking at a spider an hour ago.
Cody was scared while he was lost in the rainforest. All of a sudden he heard rustling in the trees! Cody didn’t know what it was so he was very scared. All of a sudden a little Emperor Tamarin monkey appeared out of the trees. “If you follow me I will lead you back to the others,” said the monkey in a squeaky voice. Cody followed obediently. “Why are you so slow?” squeaked the Monkey “I can’t ran as fast as you” answered Cody.
When Cody and the Monkey got back to the camp everyone was very relieved and happy Cody was ok. Every one thanked the little monkey and then the monkey scampered back into the trees. After a big sleep every one was happy again in the morning.
That day they decided to go on another walk and try and find other people. When they were walking Kate shouted excitedly “Is that a house I can see?” “Yes” yelled Mr Beer and Mr Wine at the same time. When they got to the houses the realised it had an airport so they jumped on the first plane that went to Alice Springs!
Everyone was very happy to be going home.
The End
From William.

Tania 21

Hi Everyone,
Here is a picture showing Reef Fish.
Cheers Tania
I can't wait to go to Cairns!!

Tom 20

Hi Everyone
Here is a picture of deforestation and a chart aswell.

Erin 25

Here is my Letter to the editor.
Cheers Erin

Ms Erin Gaff
Lawn Hill station
PMB 34
Mt Isa 4825

Sunday Mail
Brisbane 4001

Dear Editor,
I am writing to you because I would like to discuss about the protection of the Great Barrier Reef. The Great Barrier Reef stretches from the top of Cape York to the bottom of Bundaberg. It also has 2800 species of fish alone, 400 different types of coral, 15 species of sea snake and 6 species of sea turtle which are endangered.
Fishing is a great threat to many animals such as the dugong, sea turtles and lots of fish. Coral is also harmed by the fishing nets dragging along the sea. This should be stop because it is ruining the Great Barrier Reef and all that live there. Not only are fish nets killing the coral but they are also destroying habitats for many little fish and sometimes baby sea snakes.
Tourism, in the last ten years there has been approximately 20million people come to visit the Great Barrier Reef. Tourists need to be aware of taking objects that could be an animal’s home. Tourists should not litter because the plastic can choke many sea animals and they would die.
Big boats such as oil carriers should not be allowed anywhere near the reef waters. The oil carriers should not be able to take a short cut through the reef because if they have a spill the marine life would die. If a spill occurred the Great Barrier Reef would not recover for at least a thousand years.
I believe that the Australian Government should start protecting more of the Great Barrier Reef for future generations. If the protection is made it would bring hope to the Great Barrier Reef.

Yours sincerely,
Ms Erin Gaff

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

max 16

We have had a miracle I'm going to cairns now dad is going to take me


Hi everyone

Here is a great website I use to get some of my animations.


William 14

Hi Everyone,
Here is my save the rainforest poster I did.
From William.

Erin 24

Here is a picture of the giant Groper fish. it is sad these animals are being killed by fishermen just for their size.

Cheers Erin

Erin 24

Here are my maps fixed and i think they look better now.

Cheers Erin

Tania 20

Hello Everyone,
• Coral reefs are in crisis, dying at an alarming rate worldwide.

• An estimated 25% of coral reefs have already disappeared and an estimated two-thirds of all coral reefs are at risk today.1

• An estimated 88% of the reefs in Southeast Asia - the most species rich reefs on earth - are at risk.1

• Since 1975, more than 90% of the reefs in the Florida Keys have lost their living coral cover

Cheers Tania

Tania 19

Hi Everyone,
I have a Question,
Which reef is the oldest reef in the world?
How old is the youngest reef?
Cheers Tania

Tania 18

Hi Everyone,
Here is a great website. It is rainforest art.
Chees Tania

MAX 15 (!!!)

I will not be going to cairns because we can't get a car one is broken and the other is to small.

have a great trip.

Max 14 (VERY SAD)

I found this just after i posted my previous post it's a picture of a orangutan killed by transport

max 13 (sad)

hi everybody here is some picks of orangutans being removed from rain-forests so they can harvest palm oil.